
Definition of Sight Translation and Sight Intrepreting

Definition of sight translation;
  1. Balisteri (2010) mention sight translation is it’s oral translation of a written text
  2. Gonzales (2012) define that sight translation is oral translation of a written document, a hybrid of translation and interpretation. 
  3. Ersozlu (2005) explain that sight translation has been considered as a part and simultaneous and consecutive interpretation.
  4. Standfield (2008) stated that sight translation is the spontaneous oral translation of test items and/or directions from English to an ELL’s native language.
  5. National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (2009) stated that sight translation is the oral rendition of text written in one language into another language and is usually done in the moment.
  6. Paula (2010) claim that sight translation is an interesting type of interpreting, or a combination or hybrid of interpreting (oral output) and written  translation (written input).

Definition of simultaneous interpreting;

  1. Kriston (2012) explain simultaneous interpreting when he person performing it has to do the translation quickly and not to leave blank spaces in what he/she is about to say.
  2. Chen and Dong (2010) stated that simultaneous interpreting is interprets for someone in another language while the speaker speaks without interruption.
  3. Freixas (2011) claim that simultaneous interpretation is arguably the most demanding of the three modes of interpreting.
  4. This  is  due  in  part  to  the  fact  that  in  SI  the  interpreter  does  not  control  the  flow  of communication, but must adapt to the pace of each speaker, without interrupting the proceedings. If anything is missed, there is generally no opportunity to ask for a repetition or clarification. The interpreter  must  be  thoughtfully  following  the  ideas  in  the  speech,  the  “thread”  of  the conversation, as  it were, and must be prepared  to extrapolate meaning from context, in order  to bridge or gloss over the spots that were unclear. The second source of difficulty is of course the fact  that  everything  happens  very  fast:  the  interpreter must  thoughtfully  follow  the  fast-paced original speech, while at the same time formulating and delivering an equivalent TL version, and monitoring his/her own output for errors.
  5. National Association of Judiciary Interpreters & Translators (2006) explain that Simultaneous interpreting is the rendering of one spoken language into another when running renditions are needed at the same time as the English language communication.
  6. Changshuan Li (2010) stated in Simultaneous Interpretation, interpreters have to allocate attention among  several  tasks:  listening and analysis, production,  short-term  memory  and coordination
  7. Barinas.com (2013) explain that simultaneous interpretation is a highly specialized area of translations, which requires accurate and complete translation, orally and at the same rate of speech as the speaker, with only a few seconds of lag time.



Balisteri, Rosanna,. (2010). Sight Translation – Practicing the basic skill. IMIA Annual Conference: Boston.

Barinas.com. (2013). Simultaneous interpretation. http://www.barinas.com/, accessed on March 22, 2016.

Chen, Zhongmei and Xiaobo Dong. (2010). Simultaneous Interpreting: Principles and Training. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 1 (5): 714-716. Finland : Academy Publisher.

Ersozlu, Elif. (2005). Training of Interpreters: some suggestions on sight translation teaching. Translation Journal 9 (4) : 2-3.

Freixas, Erik Camayd. (2011). Cognitive theory of simultaneous interpreting and training. Proceedings of the 52nd Conference of the American Translators Association. New York: ATA.

Gonzales, Rosean donean, Victoria F. Vasquez,  Holly Mikkelson,. (2012). Fundamnetal of Court Interpretation. USA : Carolina Academic Press.

Gorszczyńska, Paula. (2010). The potential of sight translation to optimize written translation: The example of the English-Polish language pair. University of Gdansk. Translation Effects. Selected Papers of the CETRA Research Seminar in Translation Studies 2009 : 1-12. http://www.kuleuven.be/cetra/ papers/ papers. Html.

Kriston, Andrea. (2012). The importance of memory training in  Interpretation. Journal of Professional Communication and Translation Studies, 5 (1-2): 79-86. Tibiscus University : Timişoara.

Li, Changshuan. (2010). Coping Strategies for Fast Delivery in Simultaneous Interpretation. The Journal of Specialised Translation. 13: 19-25. Beijing : Beijing Foreign Studies University.

National Association of Judiciary Interpreters & Translators. (2006). Modes of Interpreting: Simultaneous, Consecutive, & Sight Translation. Najit Position Paper : Mode of Intrepreting. Seattle: Najit.

National Council on Interpreting in Health Care. (2009). Sight Translation and  Written Translation  Guidelines for Healthcare Interpreters. Washington DC: National Council on Interpreting in Health Care.

Standfield, Charles W. (2008). A Practical Guide to Sight Translation of Assessments. Rockville: MD.


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