Penulis ;
Diar ajeng agustineJournal ;
Rainbow: Journal of Literature, Linguistics and Cultural Studies 3(1); p.18-26, 2014
Judul :
Penulis memulai dengan pernyataan bahwa dalam penerjemahan melibatkan dua atau lebih bahasa. banyak aspek yangdiperhatikan dalam penerjemahan. Sehingga, dalam penerjemahanya, menimbulkan pergeseran makna dari bahasa sumber kebahasa target. Menghindari pergeseran makna menjadi keharusan bagi seorang penerjemah. Perbedaan ataupun pergeseran terjadi dikarenakan budaya dan konsep bahasa yang berbeda.
- Baker (1992:4) states that “Almost every aspect of life in general and in the interaction between speech communities in particular could be considered relevant to translation, a discipline which had to concern itself with how meaning was generated within and between various groups of people in various cultural settings”.
- Hatim and Mason (1990) in the Machali (2000:5) state that “Translation is an activity that can prove clearly about the role of language in the social life.
- In this new communication activity, the translator makes efforts to build bridge between meaning of the source text (ST) and the target text (TT).
- The translator has to do all of his best to transfer the original meaning from source language into target language. Nida and Taber (1969) in Suryawinata (1989:2) say that translation consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in term of meaning, and secondly in terms of style.
- The researcher classified the data based on categories of semantic shift proposed in Mujiyanto (2001); generalization, specification, substitution, reversal, and deviation.
- In this step, the writer used some dictionary; they were Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary and English-Indonesian dictionary by John Ecol and Hasan Sadili, and Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Then, make the back translation (BT) of the target text (TT) by using translation machine.
- Descriptive qualitative method is used in conducting this research.
- Object of study is a comic, the basic step in analyzing the data was reading the comic in the both version first to find the data which were related to the topic. The second step was identifying. After getting the data, the writer identified all of the data related to the problems. After identifying the data, the data were inventoried in a table. The last step in collecting the data was classifying. The data were classified in a table to make the writer easy to analyze the data.
- After classifying, the data were ready to analyze. There are some steps of analysis. First,read and reread the book in both versions to get the meaning and find the data. Reread the data one by one and focus on the words that would be analyzed. After that, find the meaning of the words which would be analyzed. In this step, the writer used some dictionary; they were Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary and English-Indonesian dictionary by John Ecol and Hasan Sadili, and Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Then, make the back translation (BT) of the target text (TT) by using translation machine. After finishing back translation (BT), the writer compared the source text (ST) with the column of back translation (BT) therefore she can decide the category of semantic shift which were found.
There are five categories of semantic shift found in the object of study. They are substitution, specification, generalization, reversal, and deviation.- First, substitution occurs when the translator replaces a specific item or expression of source language with a target language item. It is found 33 data (55%) in the object of study.
- Second, specification is the change of word from specific to general one. In this case, the writer only found 11 data (18,3%).
- Third, generalization happens when the translators transfer the specific word in the source language into general word in the target language. The writer found 6 data (10%) in the object of study.
- Fourth, reversal emerges because the words used between source language and target language are in the opposition or contrary. The writer found 6 data (10%) of reversal in the object of study.
- The last category is found in the object of study is deviation. It occurred only 4 times (6,7%) in the translation process. Deviation is the change of word from course or turn away something what is unusual. It occurs when there are changes in focus and other kinds of possible change or lack correlation between form and meaning. visit this site to get the latest journal review on the linguistic field. kumpulan review jurnal linguistik terbaru, sudah dialihbahasakan ke dalam bahasa indonesia, mencakup intisari jurnal bersangkutan.