
Al Quran Translation Analysis on Al Maidah : 51 (Arabic Into Indonesian) In The Term of Auliya

Al Quran Translation Analysis on Al Maidah : 51 (Arabic Into Indonesian) In The Term of Auliya

Choirul Fuadi
Applied Linguistic, Yogyakarta State University

Biology Education, Yogyakarta State University

Abstract: Lately, the translation of Auliya term on Al Quran, Al Maidah verse 51 has hotly debated by people in Indonesia. They argue that Auliya means leader and other believe Auliya means close friend. In fact, there are other verses in the Quran that contain Auliya term. Relating to that case, a translator needs to find the closest term in the translator process. In this article seek to find out what is the closest term on translation of Auliya term on Al Quran Al Maidah verse 51. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method and the data analyzed are at word level. In the present study, the translation is examined by four aspects; literal translation, Tafsir, Related to other verses, and Asbabun Nuzul. In the conclusion, there are some findings. First, by its literal translation, Auliya term is Polisemi word, means has more than one meaning. Then, it can be concluded that Auliyah term might be translated into friends or leader. Second, by its Tafsir, the present paper quoted by Tafsir Ibnu Katsir, the Ayah of Al Maidah ; 51 is regarding about leadership. Then, the Auliya Term should be translated into leader. Third, relate to others verses in the Quran about leadership, it strongly agreed that Auliya term should be also translated into leader. The last, By Asbabun Nuzul aspect, the Ayah relate to take Jews and Christian as protector or leader.

Keywords: Auliya Term, Al Quran Translation Analysis, and Translation.

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Quran in Word Version 1.3

Artikel ini telah dipersentasikan dalam Seminar Linguistik Corpus LT 2017 pada 13 Mei 2017 di FBS Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

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