The Concept
Williams (1994, 1996 as cited in García & Wei, 2014) originally coined the term translanguaging that comes from the Welsh trawsieithu. It actually refers to an instructional practice in which participants are allowed to use one language after another on purpose, e.g. repeatedly, they read in English and write in Welsh or vice versa (Baker, 2011 as cited in García & Wei, 2014).
It was intended for meaning-making, experience shaping, gaining knowledge and understanding through the use of two different languages (Baker, 2011 as cited in García & Wei, 2014). Translanguaging does not refer to bilingual language practices as two separate linguistic systems but as “one linguistic repertoire” (García & Wei, 2014, p. 2). Translanguaging as pedagogy supports instructional strategies that combine two languages or more in the classrooms (Cenoz & Gorter, 2017).
Translanguaging is originally a pedagogical practice in Wales where both English and Welshbecome the primary medium of instruction (Wei & García, 2014). In sum, Translanguaging may state as the use of learners’ full linguistic repertoire in language learning.
Gede Eka Putrawan, 2022. Translanguaging Practices in EFL Classrooms: Evidence From Indonesia. CaLLs, Volume 8 Nomor 1 Juni 2022.
Rasman. 2018. TO TRANSLANGUAGE OR NOT TO TRANSLANGUAGE? THE MULTILINGUAL PRACTICE IN AN INDONESIAN EFL CLASSROOM. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 7 No. 3, January 2018, pp. 687-694.
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